A downloadable game for Windows

[Update 1/16/2021]

Updated movement and added first person animations

[Update 12/30/2021]

All dungeons are now accessible
  • Removed holes in world to the void
  • No more infinite jumping below a certain altitude

Updated Features:

  • Main Menu
  • Better HUD
  • Destructible walls specific to different weapons
  • Better textures and atmosphere
  • Enemy

[Original Description]
This is a prototype being submitted to the Metroidvania Month XIV Jam. It is meant to be a first person shooter taking place in a world ravaged by post-nuclear winter where the player needs to stop a cult from destroying what's left of [generic US city]. Due to crunch, we could not include any menus in-game, so here's the controls:

  • Fire Weapon - Left-Click
  • Zoom Weapon - Right-Click
  • Switch Weapon - Scroll Wheel
  • Walk - WASD Keys
  • Look - Move Mouse
  • Crouch/Slide - Left-Ctrl

WARNING: Shift+Alt+W closes the current window in Chrome, so it is recommended to download if you wish to test out sliding and such.

Some gameplay elements to be implemented in future releases are stagger, different damage types, additional enemy types, unique bosses, grenades, and equipment. Please provide feedback and ask any questions about the project! Any and all feedback is helpful! Also, if the web build is too laggy, try downloading the windows version directly through the button below!


Cryoclastic Demo 12/15/2021 46 MB
Cryoclastic Demo 12/30/2021 103 MB
Cryoclastic 1-16.zip 87 MB

Install instructions

Unzip anywhere you like and place executable anywhere you like